Introducing Facebook integration is now proud to offer integrations with several Facebook services, starting with Lead Ads imports and Custom Audience updates.

by | Jul 28, 2017 Facebook Integration

Facebook continues to grow as social and advertising giant, and is now proud to offer integrations with several Facebook services, starting with Lead Ads and Custom Audiences.

Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads allow page admins and advertisers to collect signups from within Facebook, offering potential customers a pre-filled form within the Facebook application. This makes it easier for Facebook users to signup for services they want without having to leave the app or fill out complicated web forms.

With our new Facebook integration, users can automatically collect form entries from Lead Ads and import them into their account. To get started with a Lead Ad integration, follow the steps in our support doc.

Custom Audiences

Additionally, Facebook Custom Audiences gives advertisers the ability to serve ads to their existing contacts. Typically, advertisers need to export a list of contacts from their CRM, format the list to use in Facebook, then import batches of contacts manually.

Using our new Facebook integration however, advertisers can now link a custom audience to Once setup, new contacts will automatically be sent to the Facebook custom audience, where Facebook will try to match your contact to their two billion users.

To setup the Facebook Custom Audience integration, follow the steps in our support doc. users can also create custom audiences from within, making ad campaign management faster and easier.

Sync all contacts or by List

You have the option to sync your entire account with a custom audience, or to setup integrations with specific Lists. While syncing all contacts with a default custom audience is easy to setup, using our list auto-filters gives you the ability to segment contacts automatically into separate custom audiences, just as you can segment them into MailChimp automation workflows.

That’s right — you can setup filters in your account to automatically segment contacts based on specific details (geography, tags, transactions, etc) and then simultaneously serve them ads on Facebook and start a drip campaign via MailChimp.

Our goal is always to help you get all of your contacts in one place so you can take action. Using’s new Facebook integration is another step toward building better relationships with your contacts.

If you’re not using yet, we’d love for you to give it a try! Signup for a free 14-day trial now.